Scott Communications’ co-founder and director Tony Scott is pleased to have been appointed as an independent consultant and adviser to support the Digital Leadership strand of Association for Consultancy and Engineering’s (ACE) ‘Future of Consultancy’ campaign.
ACE chief executive Hannah Vickers announced the campaign in November 2018, sharing her vision of helping the entire consultancy and engineering sector welcome a new era of design and delivery in the built environment. In a warmly received speech at ACE’s 2018 European CEO Conference, Hannah outlined the disruptive influences of new technology and highlighted the further step-changes that digitally enabled manufacturing, whole-life asset performance, big data and artificial intelligence (AI) would bring in the future.
Tony, a founding member of ACE’s recently formed Digital Transformation Group, is supporting a series of roundtable breakfast debates for consultancy and engineering digital leaders at the Institute of Directors in Pall Mall, London.
The first debate was held on 28th February and focused on ‘Strategic Planning and Placemaking’. The second breakfast debate on 15th March will address ‘Delivering Integrated Projects’, with attendees at the final breakfast on 12th April debating the topic of ‘Data-Led Asset Performance’.
Tony will be participating in the three debates and consolidating their collective output to feed into ACE’s Digital Leadership Conference at the Royal Academy of Engineering, Prince Philip House, in London on 20th June.
Tony said:
‘Having chaired the organising panel for ACE’s inaugural European CIO Conference in 2017 and supported the organising and running of the 2018 conference, I am thrilled to have been invited to participate in the planning and build-up for this year’s Digital Leadership Conference, the successor to the CIO Conference. With the disruptive impact of emerging technology already being felt, I encourage digital leaders across the consultancy and engineering sector to put 20th June 2019 in their diaries now.’
Brian Nolk, Commercial Director of Victoria Street Capital, the commercial arm of ACE group, added:
‘We’re happy that Tony has agreed to support the digital strand of our Future of Consultancy campaign this year. His industry knowledge and extensive network of contacts will help us to shape up this campaign and feed into our Digital Leadership Conference on 20th June.’
More information about ACE’s ‘Future of Consultancy’ campaign is available at:
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